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Han NE Chinese Fiber Planting Seed

<B>ORDER#: SEED-04B</B> <BR>Han NE Chinese Fiber Planting Seed
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Available Now. Call our office at 213-677-2997

Description Legal Issues
Hemp Traders is pleased to offer official fiber variety hemp planting seed. These are live, viable hemp seeds which can be cultivated by farmers as an industrial hemp fiber crop. These seeds are the official industrial hemp seeds of China and are the strain Han NE. This is the variety we used to grow the world's tallest hemp plant in 2021.

Please note that this variety requires a signature of non-propagation to order.

Variety Latitude Monocious/Dioecious THC Fiber/Grain
Han NE 28 - 45 Dioecious 0.28% - 0.3% Fiber

Latitude is very important! Make sure your location fits within the latitude specified or you may get plants that flower one month after sprouting. Seeding rates for industrial hemp grown for fiber are 75 pounds per acre. R
ecommended planting between mid March through May. 13-18' feet tall males and females. Harvest at the end of August through early September. Flowering begins usually in September.

Storage conditions
50°F, 10°C • 40% humidity
Storage >1 year: Freeze

Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis having 0.3% or less THC in the leaves and flowers. Please note these seeds are not certified and should be tested and harvested prior to flowering to avoid levels of THC above 0.3%. If growing for seed, THC levels will begin to drop once the flowers are pollinated and seed production commences.

Please call our office
if you would like to order seeds for the 2024 planting season. 213-677-2997.

Total Seeds per pound: 27,840

How to Sprout Hemp Seeds

How To Sprout
Industrial Hemp Seeds

Click Here
For Instructions on
How To Cultivate
Industrial Hemp